The bizarre animated escapades of pseudo-heroic scientist Dr. Rusty Venture, his competent, high strung bodyguard, and his two over-enthusiastic sons.
Gidseltagningen, created by Kasper Barfoed (Summer Of ’92) based on an idea by Adam Price (Borgen) and S?ren Sveistrup (The Killing), portrays the hijacking of a Copenhagen subway carriage where three armed terrorists kidnap the fifteen passengers on board. The series then follows a protracte...
The Kennedys is a multi-generation family comedy loosely based on Emma’s memoirs The Tent, The Bucket And Me. Each episode is introduced by Emma Kennedy played by Lucy Hutchinson, a 10 year-old Star Wars obsessed tomboy who is happy to tag along with her much-loved parents, Brenda and Tony Ke...
《副总统》讲述了Selina Meyer从一名参议员成为副总统后,开始面对成堆的突发状况,很快,她便认识到,成为一名副总统可没有她预期得那样风光美好,各种各样的烂摊子都在等着她去解决。该剧由著名政治向英剧《幕后危机》编剧阿尔曼多·伊安努奇和老搭档Simon Blackwell一起开发。其它主演还包括安娜·克鲁姆斯基(Anna...
The Vigilante Diaries is a high octane action-adventure film featuring 90s movie heroes, explosive action, and international espionage. The film revolves around a team of black-ops agents turned crime-fighters, led by a brooding anti-hero, known only as "The Vigilante." These jam-packed missi...
Rushing to a bank robbery, Ben perfectly follows arrest procedure only to see a fugitive commit suicide. Sammy and Nate investigate the murder of a street gang member who was recently acquitted of rape, probably ignoring shes the daughter of gang baron Luis Reyes. Russell is amused to see Lid...
和前夫罗伯特(Jarreth J. Merz 饰)结束了失败的婚姻,在高校任教的索菲娅(Harriet MacMasters-Green 饰)带着女儿海伦娜(Sabrina Jolie Perez 饰)搬入一幢新的公寓居住。这天早晨,海伦娜一颗牙齿松动,索菲娅一如父母祖辈那样为女儿讲述关于牙仙的传说。谁知毫无征兆的早晨灾难突然而至,索菲娅驾驶的车意外冲...
A young surveyer, new to Ontario, encounters the blackflies. Over and over again, he encounters those blackflies.
米切尔·拉西尼(Michel Racine)是一位令人畏惧的刑事法庭的法官。在一次审判中,蒂特·罗兰森克特雷(Ditte Lorensen-Coteret)被选中为陪审团成员,米切尔发现她正是六年前照顾过自己的医生,而这六年中自己始终没能忘却她...
Comic Hasan Minhaj of "The Daily Show" shares personal stories about racism, immigrant parents, prom night horrors and more in this stand-up special.
Jedes Jahr unternimmt Hannes (Florian David Fitz) mit seiner Frau Kiki (Julia Koschitz) und den besten Freunden eine Radtour. Und jedes Jahr darf ein anderer aus der Gruppe entscheiden, wohin die Reise geht. Dieses Mal ist Hannes an der Reihe … und sucht sich ausgerechnet Belgien aus. Die Beg...