The past is haunting the Venture building, literally. Can a good exorcism fix everything? Meanwhile, Hank is pressured by goons to break off his relationship with their mobster boss' daughter.
The bizarre animated escapades of pseudo-heroic scientist Dr. Rusty Venture, his competent, high strung bodyguard, and his two over-enthusiastic sons.
Life goes on after the tragic deaths of Hank and Dean. Meanwhile, the Monarch deals with life "inside" but you can't keep a good criminal mastermind down. But will King Gorilla prove to be his greatest ally, or his worst betrayer?
Many of the original actors will be reprising their roles as the Iconic acquaintances to the perpetual underdog of the films Namesake. According to Spade this film will be aired Directly to the website Crackle in the summer of 2015. He also stated his decision to don the Mullet once again was...
这季将讲到原作小说第5-9本的内容,也将“比第一季更复杂、野心更大”。紧接上季结尾,三姐弟被银行家Poe寄存在普鲁弗洛克预备学校,等待合适监护人,他们会遇见奇葩的同学Carmelita Spats。而尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯饰演的大坏蛋欧拉夫伯爵,会伪装成欧洲拍卖商Günther来到学校。
这季将讲到原作小说第5-9本的内容,也将“比第一季更复杂、野心更大”。紧接上季结尾,三姐弟被银行家Poe寄存在普鲁弗洛克预备学校,等待合适监护人,他们会遇见奇葩的同学Carmelita Spats。而尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯饰演的大坏蛋欧拉夫伯爵,会伪装成欧洲拍卖商Günther来到学校。