Alan Rickman has signed on to play the legendary owner and founder of CBGB in Randall Miller and Jody Savin’s project revolving the seminal New York rock club. Miller will direct the picture from a script he and Savin wrote together. They hope to begin shooting in June, 2012.
Bean plays a private drone contractor who spends his workdays flying covert missions then returns to a family life of suburban mediocrity — without his wife or son knowing about his secret life — until a whistle-blowing site exposes him to a deadly threat. Believing he is responsible for the ...
某郊区森林,流传着一个年代久远的故事。在位于沼泽的小木屋内,住着一对相依为命的父子。儿子维克托(Kane Hopper 饰)相貌丑陋,为周围人所嫌弃,内向自卑的他只能每天躲在屋中。在一个万圣节的夜晚,邻居的恶作剧点燃了小木屋。得知维克托尚在房中,父亲欲劈开房门解救儿子,却不慎将维克托杀害。伤心的父亲从此...
不死法医》第一季精彩看点:ABC最新重案悬疑剧,不死法医全裸重生。男主堪称华生和福尔摩斯的完美合体,而且拥有都教授开挂的不死属性《不死法医》第一季剧情梗概:故事描述纽约城最优秀的法医、病理学专家Henry Morgan(Ioan Gruffudd)的传奇经历——人们都称赞他是个了不起的人才,但是没有人知道他的身世秘密。他...