Imagine being able to watch as Edison turned on the first light bulb, or as Franklin received his first jolt of electricity. For the first time, a film gives audiences a front row seat to a significant and inspiring scientific breakthrough as it happens. Particle Fever follows six brilliant s...
Teenage Anna’s background may be altogether unsuitable for the communist regime, but her talent as a sprinter will help her into the state-run doping program regardless – and from there it’s on to the Olympics. Strange performance-enhancing drugs, however, are but one of the dilemmas heroes h...
An inventive sci-fi thriller with a complex woman protagonist, OtherLife is the exciting new film from talented Australian director Ben C. Lucas (Wasted on the Young, SFF 2010).OtherLife is a revolutionary new drug invented by Ren Amari (Jessica de Gouw). It expands the brains sense of time a...
小博,泰国北部一所有名大学的学生,再过没几个月小博就要和父母搬到美国去开泰国餐馆了,突然之间,小博有了新的动力和爱好,那就是跳B-BOY,为了炫耀给那些喜欢B-BOY的女孩看。 正好60岁的爷爷在曼谷生活,小博借此机会打着去曼谷看望爷爷的幌子,其实是去学习跳B-BOY。小博的母亲很高 兴自己的孩子有这样的想法要...