An uplifting and heartwarming story about finding the magic of Christmas, no matter where you might be, This Is Christmas follows Adam (Alfred Enoch) and Emma (Kaya Scodelario) as they make their daily commute from the picture-perfect village of Langton to London for work. Every day they sha...
这部传记片讲述了职业高尔夫球手艾莉雅·茱塔努冈如何一步步踏入 LGPA 巡回赛,记录了她从天才少女成长为世界排名第一球手的历程。
Set in Thailand, between April-June 1999, ’A Moment In June’ is a story of the fusion of six lives, a song that links them together, a hope of the second chance that might never come and a moment they all need to make a life-changing decision. —O Nathapon
这部传记片讲述了职业高尔夫球手艾莉雅·茱塔努冈如何一步步踏入 LGPA 巡回赛,记录了她从天才少女成长为世界排名第一球手的历程。
“想要忘记,偏又记起” 正如耿(亚瑞克·阿莫苏帕西瑞 饰)的初恋,他从学生时代起一直暗恋着凡(雅琳达·邦恩纳克 饰),当年鼓起勇气正要表白时,却发现凡已成为自己死党的女朋友。毕业后,耿参加了他们婚礼,但是一年后的同学聚会上却得知他们离婚的消息。一只受伤的狗,让开宠物诊所的耿与爱宠如命的凡紧密联系;一...