12岁的曲棍球奇才Janeau Trudel,在他妈妈惨死之后搬到了新的城市。他与球队的女守门员结下了友谊。这个有才且果敢的年轻女孩想不惜一切代价参加魁北克的Pee-Wee曲棍球联赛。不幸的是,几个队员并不看好Janeau的到来。他能不顾争吵和嫉妒,带领球队进军联赛吗?
After the Putins anti-gay law in Russia, Massimo, an Italian swimmer, goes to St. Petersburg for a competition. He meets there Vladimir, a Russian guy who works as interpreter in the Italian delegation. They like each other and fall in love, but unfortunatelly they will have to face the cultu...
In a blend of fiction and reality, FIVE STAR explores the relationship between two men - Primo, an actual gang leader in the East New York Bloods, and John, a young man trying to decide whether gang life is the path for him. As Primo mentors John in the workings of the gang world, a secret th...
Imagine being able to watch as Edison turned on the first light bulb, or as Franklin received his first jolt of electricity. For the first time, a film gives audiences a front row seat to a significant and inspiring scientific breakthrough as it happens. Particle Fever follows six brilliant s...
Teenage Anna’s background may be altogether unsuitable for the communist regime, but her talent as a sprinter will help her into the state-run doping program regardless – and from there it’s on to the Olympics. Strange performance-enhancing drugs, however, are but one of the dilemmas heroes h...
BLAZE YOU OUT focuses UT focuses on a young womans journey to find her missing sister in the heart of a brutal underworld controlled by the heroin trade. The story takes place in the beautiful Esperanza Valley in Northern New Mexico, a basin which belies an underling sickness, a sinister insi...
故事梗概: 刚从学校毕业的瓦尔娃拉决定到西伯利亚的乡村当教师,她的决定得到了未婚夫的赞同。但由于未婚夫马尔蒂诺夫参加革命被关进监狱,瓦尔娃拉只得一人孤身前往。在那个偏远的小山村,人们对孩子的教育并不重视,对瓦尔娃拉也非常排斥。 一晃三年过去了,经过瓦尔娃拉的努力孩子们终于走进了学校,家长们也...