The first Nepali woman to summit and descend Mount Everest — now a single mom working at a Connecticut Whole Foods — heads back to Everest to make a better life for her two daughters.
A look at the life and work of Italian cinematographer, Carlo di Palma.
① Luscious Lola: 一个一直为羞怯的性格所困的美丽女人发现了俘获她所爱的男人的心的秘密:扮演成一个诱奸者“迷人的洛拉”. 在炎热的夜晚,幻想与现实的界限也开始模糊了. ② The Last Motel: 一名水手在出海7个月后回来,期待着有一位性感的女人正等着他. 但他无论如何都不曾想到会有五个女人在同一间旅馆旅馆等他......
Carme lives in a mountain village in Galicia with her sick mother and father Ramón, with whom she hardly speaks. Working in a bakery, she feels the urge to escape from this oppressive atmosphere, but circumstances always seem to stop her. But during the “Rapa das Bestas” weekend – a celebrati...