In the Season Two premiere, Bella explores her options for her career and her love life. Meanwhile, her roommate Melissa lands a gig as a party promoter at a new club; Regina discovers her old sexual bucket list and decides to check off a few more items; and Bella is intrigued by Vincent'...
Benoit, the new kid at school, is bullied by a gang of arrogant boys. Determined not to be pushed around, Benoit organizes a big party, but only three students turn up. What if this bunch of losers was to be the best gang ever? Korean Movie 23zzw.com
在加拿大土生土長的印度移民後代 Sid 於邁入中年前,決定不再抑壓自己、不再虛有其表地以男性身份過生活。開明的父母雖對 Sid 的決定表示支持,但一直期盼Sid有天會結婚生子的母親仍難掩失望、時常在閒談間吐露渴望抱孫的心情。另一邊廂,十四歲少年 Ralph 在偷看母親的日記後,認定十多年前曾與母親約會的Sid就是他...
年轻女孩安娜贝尔(Erin Kelly 饰)在相继被两所学校开除后,参议员父亲将她安排到一所天主教寄宿学校继续学业。安娜贝尔很快又拥有了新的校园生活,以及三个性格各异的室友。学校的诗歌老师西蒙娜(戴安娜·加德瑞 Diane Gaidry 饰)则负责管理她们寝室。西蒙娜是一位工作上极其关心学生,私生活也严格遵守宗教和社...
A successful doctor who loses his little brother in a gang-related assault gives up his privileged life to become a masked warrior and avenge his brothers death.