根据原俄国名作家普希金名著改编。 乡间贵族小姐丽莎与青年阿列克塞经过种种波折最后终成眷属。情节离奇曲折、充满趣味。 别列斯托夫和邻居穆斯基多年不合,互不往来。二个贵族各有一儿一女。别列托夫的儿子阿列克塞是个棒小伙子却不喜欢上层社会的生活,常和女佣们“混”在一起。听到此事,穆罗姆斯...
因为妇产科护士坦承12年前将有钱中产阶级的Quesnoy家的男孩与下层阶级Groselle(北非移民)家的女孩掉包,现在Quesnoy不想交还女 儿,还想把儿子Momo买过来。Momo是在粗野恶劣的家庭环境中长大的早熟聪明圆滑小惯窃,但是他到了Quesnoy家却把他们弄得鸡犬不宁。这是一部社会讽刺剧,对有钱阶级和没钱阶级同时进行炮...
影片从PAYU(风暴),FAH(天空),NAM(水)三位好朋友的毕业典礼娓娓道来,NAM暗恋PAYU,PAYU却一直暗恋着FAH,甜美动人的FAH家世显赫,有一个“相处”6年的帅气小白脸男友,三人的友谊坚不可摧。直到毕业晚会那天,FAH在表演中突然昏倒,于是得知她患了一种必死无疑的疾病,而就在此时, FAH却发现与之交往6年的帅...
A Swedish princess boards an ocean liner in Europe en route to an acting career in America, and finds herself getting inconveniently attached to a ban dleader returning home. To complicate matters, a blackmailer on board apparently knows she is no
Two elite soldiers; a mother and a father race against time to rescue their daughter from the clutches of a ruthless child trafficking syndicate , as they navigate through a treacherous labyrinth of danger and deceit. They must confront their own past traumas while shredding through a brutal ...