A young woman (Rosemary Wilcox) is haunted by pop-Freudian dreams of her recently murdered psychologist (and lover), so for some reason she goes to a resort where the psychologist liked to hang out and becomes involved with a gangster (Adolf Celli) and the strange female resort owner (Alida V...
Two teenage boys cycle 160km on stolen bikes pursued by police to find a missing bale of cocaine worth 7 million euro. Set around the real event of Irelands biggest cocaine seizure in 2007 of 440 million euro.
Don Middleton is so caught up with his work he neglects his wife Elsa. Lonely Elsa begins to spend more time with Don's best friend and they become at tracted to one another. Don and Elsa decide to get a divorce, unaware of the effect their proble
这是一部关于惊悚、 悬疑的电影,由著名的导演理查德·加拜执导拍摄,讲述了医院急诊室一位刚上班不久的年轻护士凯特琳(娜塔莉·齐尔 饰),一天晚上接到了一位马上就要生小孩的女患者,女患者生命垂危,需要心脏电击,为了不浪费宝贵的时间把这位女患者从死神手里夺回来,在使用心脏电击器时,由于紧张心脏电击到自...
《菲尔来蹭饭第一季》英文原名Somebody Feed Phil Season 1,是一部选秀 综艺类型的美剧,目前该剧已经更新到第本季终集,有兴趣的朋友千万不能错过啦
A charming yet troubled man spirals into a rage after being rejected by the woman he initially seduced.
A young couples relationship gets bumpy as the end of their college life approaches.
Netflix美食+旅行纪录剧《来人喂饱Phil》(Somebody Feed Phil)发布预告,《人人都爱雷蒙德》主创Phil Rosenthal赴各国吃+玩,西贡、里斯本、曼谷、特拉维夫、墨西哥城、新奥尔良…好开心!“我到了新地方,看看那里人们吃啥,有时奇迹会发生。”1月12日上线。