(From:Wikipedia) Van (Aidan Tierney) frequently visits his grandmother, Armen (Selma Keklikian) who is living in a poor quality nursing home. At the nursing home Van meets Aline (Arsinée Khanjian), whose mother (Jeanne Sabourin) is in the next bed. Alines job as a phone-sex worker does not pa...
Leila偶然发现了隐藏在她最喜爱的虚拟现实游戏Azana中的「红色药丸」—— 一个绝密的天堂。母亲去世后,Leila陷入了深深的孤独感。所幸她为自己创造了一个数字身份「影疾」,可以在游戏世界中暂时忘掉烦恼。每当登入虚拟现实游戏Azana之后,她才感觉自己真正活着。在这个令 人惊叹的虚拟之地,Leila遇到了神秘的游戏角...
在世界末日之后,一群虔诚的沉默的狂热者追捕着 Azrael(萨玛拉·维文 Samara Weaving 饰),一个逃脱了自己的监禁的年轻女人——她将不惜一切代价活下去。
著名玩具厂商乐高公司推出其经典人物古古治为主角的首部动画影片,古古治将带领乐高旗下的专家团队开始史诗探险。 加入著名建筑家和探险者古古治,开始一段史诗般的探险历程,他到达了最远最黑暗的空间的中世纪王国,这里被邪恶的巫师所统治。古古治为正义而战。接下来他来到充满魔力的琢石之地,可怕 邪恶的马洛克...
The exuberant enchantments of the singing, dancing musical meet the feminist, formalist sensibility of cinematic visionary Chantal Akerman in this uniquely captivating vision of love and survival in the age of late capitalism. Amid the consumerist wonderland of a shopping mall, a cadre of st...