繁华大都会纽约,卓有成就且花心风流的商人诺曼(马修·塞特尔 Matthew Settle 饰)与美丽女子朵莉(卡蒂娅·温特 Katia Winter 饰)正沉浸在热恋之中。对诺曼来说,朵莉也许只是一枚调剂生活的美味甜点,但对朵莉这个爱情至上的女子来说,诺曼就是她的一切。耐不住女友的不住央求,诺曼总算同意暂时放下手头的要务,...
In his Scottish New Town home, gangling Gregory and his school-friends are starting to find out about girls. He fancies Dorothy, not least because she has got into the football team - and is a better player than him. He finally asks her out, but it is obviously the females in control of matt...
热爱吟诵诗歌且幽默健谈的杀手贝罗特(Beno?t Poelvoorde 饰)自费请来一支摄制组为他拍摄纪录片。在镜头前,他毫无保留且毫无隐讳地展现每次行凶的全过程,并悉心讲解不同的杀人技巧。摄制组成员从最初的观众逐渐演变成贝罗特的帮凶,这一种疯狂之人仿佛失控的汽车,飞速向毁灭的终点驶去…… 本片成本仅为15000美元...