Unseen Enemy is an essential exploration of reasons 21st-century populations are experiencing a rash of diseases that were once only outbreaks, but have now become full-blown epidemics. This increased risk that we face, and the ways society and individuals can work together to reduce that ris...
本剧是NBC颇具震撼力的电视迷你短剧《10.5》(地动天惊)的续集和终结篇。在上一集中,强烈的地壳运动所引发的10.5级恐怖地震毁灭了美国西海岸,改变了地核结构,直接威胁到到北美甚至整个西半球,造成了一系列连锁灾害:夏威夷被海啸吞没,胡佛被摧毁,洛杉矶沉没……《10.5: Apocalypse》(毁灭之日)的视觉效果达到...
“ At the beginning of the film, the life of Alexeev develops gradually with numerous flashbacks, amorous scenes, unveiling of the Sixtiers (Soviet generation with liberal and anti-totalitarian views) and ends with an unexpected twist of the plot. Once, the key hero gets to know himself better...
Bennie是一家快餐店的老板,因为抢劫珠宝店未遂坐了5年牢。出狱后,养父Mast命不久已的消息对他无异于晴天霹雳,养父的亲生子Koen也在此时出现,Koen是个沉迷女色的疯子却爱上了有自杀倾向的Katia。 因为Katia的出现,Bennie和Keon迫切的需要弄一笔钱为Mast作肝脏移植手术。一场完全失控的银行劫案和一场被设计得赌...