Ethan is a young, shy and rather reserved designer who has suffered from insomnia for many years due to his terrible nightmares. Believing he has a personality disorder he decides to see a therapist to solve his problem, but it will be thanks to the help of his best friend and a medium that ...
最悲惨的时刻,最动人的一段心灵航程。 2001年9月11日,美国遭受本世纪最惨烈的恐怖攻击。而当时在美国领空中预定降落的39班航机,则全数遭到拒绝入境,一架客机被迫降落在加拿大纽芬兰乡间,机上乘客各式各样,有尖酸刻薄的企业家、行为古怪的寡妇、婚姻不幸福的男子及来自美国的音乐家,他们的行程全因此被打乱,...
故事讲述在一队学生前去北方一座荒凉的小村庄考察,无意间,他们触动了一所古墓,从而将过去的恶灵放出,超自然的力量席卷了大地,他们中有些人被魔鬼俘获、另一些人则选择孤身与魔鬼斗争。 黑暗生物侵入现实世界 ,人类靠真爱之力拯救世界的科幻影片。