故事发生在内达华的茫茫沙漠之中,教授(瓦莱里奥·马斯坦德雷亚 Valerio Mastandrea 饰)孤身一人驻扎在大名鼎鼎的51区,每日醉心于自己的研究之中,早年间,教授的妻子去世了,而教授如今如此痴迷于探索宇宙,也只是为了能够再次听到妻子的声音而已。然而,教授宁静的生活却屡屡被名为史黛拉(克蕾曼丝·波西 Clémen...
有一天,幸福突然降临在他们眼前,却不知道该拒绝它还是逃开,幸福对他们而言,既靠近又遥远。这段爱情故事…虽然不应该发生可是如果它来临了…就没有任何障碍可以阻挡。 云(Rattanabalang Toesawad)是个冷酷无情的杀手,除了妈妈与唯一的弟弟雾(Weeradij Srimalai),以杀 人为目标过日子的他,从没奢望过任何感情,也...
The presidents of two superpowers, the Soviet Union and the United States, are expected to meet for important negotiations. However, the meeting in jeopardy due to raging of the Russian Mafia, settled in America. Mafioso Rabinovich even interfere with the conversation of top secret hotline b...
“Sally Carmichael” will shoot in Utah this summer. Gorham will portray an author who is ashamed to have secretly written an incredibly popular series of young adult romance novels that chronicle the epic love story between a human girl and a merman — all under the pen name, Sally Carmichael. ...
从《音为爱》中脱颖而出的配角 Tawach Ponratnabraset,这一次在《读懂你的心》中引领着一群酷爱恐怖片的宅男们,终日倒弄着拍鬼片,却总是无法认真地完成一部影片。转校过来的新女生 Brang 某日吸引到了Mo的注意。他们千方百计地招募Brang加入到自己的团队。与此同时,Mo好像渐渐爱上了Brang。