Keeping Up Appearances is a British sitcom starring Patricia Routledge as eccentric, social-climbing snob Hyacinth Bucket (bou-quet). Created and written by Roy Clarke, it aired on BBC1 from 1990 to 1995 — spanning five seasons and 44 episodes — four of which are Christmas specials. In 2004 t...
Many of the original actors will be reprising their roles as the Iconic acquaintances to the perpetual underdog of the films Namesake. According to Spade this film will be aired Directly to the website Crackle in the summer of 2015. He also stated his decision to don the Mullet once again was...
泰德寻觅多年的真命天女、万众期待的老妈,终于出现了! 本剧一路走来,已经走过了八个年头,第九季是本剧的最终季。八年里,主人公泰德(乔什·拉德诺 Josh Radnor 饰)从梦想成为一名建筑师到当上了大学教授,从差点步入婚姻殿堂到婚礼取消,泰德一路上走得磕磕碰碰,悲喜交加。他经历过几段失败的恋爱,如今单身一...