From members of Winnipeg’s infamous Astron-6 collective comes a loving homage and absurdist send-up of the Italian giallo genre. Rey Ciso was once the greatest editor the world had ever seen — but since a horrific accident left him with four wooden fingers on his right hand, he&rs...
大师阿莫多瓦最新作品竟然是无节操的爆笑搞怪片!电影叙述一架半岛公司编号2549,飞往墨西哥的飞机,因为机件故障,飞机一直卡在拉曼恰自治区上空,并且面临坠毁的危险。正副驾驶一直努力和塔台共同寻求解决之道,座舱长和空服空服员全是一些怪异夸张的人物。 面对危机,他们使用一些非正统措施,分散乘客的注意力,...
The truths and half-truths about Dr. Ventures former arch nemeses are finally revealed.
医院的烧锅炉工人奥卡拉萨(Urszula Bartos-Gesikowska 饰)的生活单调封闭,他的锅炉有时要处理医院手术的残肢,在周围森林徘徊时会遇到河道上漂来的死牛,以及偶发的强奸事件……在相依为命的奶奶去世后,奥卡拉萨生活中唯一的光亮来自护士安娜,奥卡拉萨夜里会潜入安娜的家中,为她缝补衣服,修葺地板,整夜守着熟...
This retelling of the classic tale of James Hilton"s Utopian lost world plays out uneasily amid musical production numbers and Bacharach pop music. While escaping war-torn China, a group of Europeans crash in the Himalayas, where they are rescued and taken to the mysterious Valley of the Blue...