In "Remember This House" Raoul Peck envisions the book James Baldwin never finished -a radical narration about race in America, through the lives and assassinations of three of his friends: Martin Luther King Jr., Medgar Evers and Malcolm X. using only the writers original words.
Katya is a girl from a wealthy family who yearns for adventure. Keeping it secret from her mother she applies to a model agency and goes to Dubai to take part in a fashion show. But instead she finds herself in an international prostitution trafficking network. Katya takes it as a fun "vacati...
1917年,第一次世界大战进入最激烈之际,两个年仅16岁的英国士兵接到的命令,需立即赶往死亡前线,向那里的将军传达一个“立刻停止进攻”讯息。 时间只有八小时,武器弹药有限,无人知晓前方敌况:死亡寂静之地、布满尸体的铁丝网、突如其来的敌军、随时毙命的危险境况…… 这一次两 个少年为救1600个人的性命,不完成,...