Death By Audio, an underground venue, is forced to close in 2014. The film focuses on the struggles of maintaining a community in the face of Brooklyn property development, hostile construction workers and a one billion-dollar company.
A ‘chance’ meeting in the street, give you the opportunity to Agata and Marc to help each other to overcome the inertia of their lives. Tired of going from bed to bed and boy to boy, Agata is confronted with the challenge of staying, not flee to problems. But Agata does not know ...
时装设计师秀妍(首尔孝珠)是一个有吸引力的人才以及性感的女人总是工作,并对婚姻不在乎。然后有一天,她提出了她的男朋友,她太坪(Baek GEON植),共同生活在一个合同。她写下了一个契约,涉及的事实,他们睡在一起,每周一次的条件。然后有一天,允民宇,一个有钱的财阀曾经是秀妍的男友,出现了,他告诉她他想...
Tanner一家是一户普通的美国家庭。一天,一个不速之客“降临”在他们面前。他身材矮小,他全身被毛,他态度傲慢,他是一个来自Melmac星球的外星人。Tanner一家不知所措,给他起了个“外号”:ALF(allien life form)。Tanner一家宁静的生活被这个新成员所打破,一起上演了一幕幕诙谐而温馨的故事……
Juin 1940. Villeneuve, village du centre de la France, est bouleversé par larrivée de larmée allemande. Hortense, Jean, Raymond, Marie étaient alors des Fran?aises et des Fran?ais ordinaires... ils deviendront patriotes, tra?tres, collaborateurs ou résistants. Aux règles imposées par loccupat...