Danny, a respected cop, is setup after an investigation goes wrong. While laying low in his new jail cell, Danny is forced to get involved in the inmates underground cage fighting circuit. With the help of Irving, a former mixed martial arts champion, Danny devises a scheme to bring justice a...
Two American expatriates, Jack and Sam, unwittingly steal a drug lords money when they rob a series of banks in Southeast Asia and become the target of the gangs vengeance. When Sam is killed, Jack turns to the love of his life, Pom, and the couple becomes a modern-day Bonnie and Clyde that t...
"Black Beauty," a film centering on a 15 year-old girl who volunteers at a city pound, and convinces her Grandfather in the country to adopt a horse that was rescued from an abusive owner. They spend the summer rehabilitating "Black Beauty."
Alex, stuck in a repeating loop of time, must navigate his way through the bustling streets of Bangkok with mysterious men on his heels trying to kill him. Parkour, martial arts, shoot outs and car flips all result in his death until the last loop