在一次去越南的团队自助旅行中,耳背的小孙爱上了帅气的小纯 在旅行途中,虽然在助听器的帮助下,听到的却是模糊糊的回答,但小孙的爱慕得到了小纯的答复,由于这模糊的回答,让小孙误解与她一路同行的好友小德,是小纯追求的对象,而且两人的一些举动表现出两人的爱慕关系。 “但是小德的感觉啦”小德对这突如其来的...
影片由四个小故事组成。 因为车祸而行动不便的女孩通过短信与一素未谋面的男孩交往甚密,她将自拍发给男孩,并向男孩索要照片,手机嗡嗡的震动着,男孩发给她的照片上,女孩看到的究竟是什么?男孩生来性格内向懦弱,这成为了同学欺负他的最佳理由。一开始只是玩笑般的打闹,但逐渐的,欺负步步升级。男孩忍无可忍...
The series follows the ups and downs of third-generation restaurateur BOB (H. Jon Benjamin), who runs Bob’s Burgers with the help of his wife and their three kids. Bob and his unpredictable family have big ideas about burgers, but they fall short on service and sophistication. Despite their ...
The third season began on March 14, 2009 with the three-part premiere, "Transwarped", and ended on May 23, 2009. This season following the events of "Transwarped" focused on the Autobots' attempt to reach Cybertron in order to warn the Autobot High Council of Shockwav...
一个男人被其未婚妻指控通奸,从而被迫搬回家与父母同居。当他为四岁女儿的监护权而战时,也逐渐卷入了父母和邻居由于一棵美丽的古树而起的争执。影片探讨了普通人之间的荒谬斗争,在其现实主义的基调下有着喜剧和惊悚元素。片中尖刻和讽刺的地方或许显得夸张,但也揭示了中产阶级背后的真相。 详情