7年前,一颗核弹将浣熊市的一切隐藏在历史之中。7年后的今天,美国中西部城市哈佛维尔,参议员朗•戴维斯因群众抗议其与威法玛公司的关系而被困飞机场。正当他乔装打扮准备离开之时,一位抗议者咬死了参议员的警卫。这位抗议者竟然是T病毒感染者!“浣熊市事件”幸存者, 克莱尔•雷德菲尔德在机缘巧合下救出议员,不想...
After the events of Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019), Poe Dameron and BB-8 must make an emergency landing on the volcanic planet Mustafar where they meet the greedy and conniving Graballa the Hutt. The crime boss has purchased Darth Vader's castle and is renovating it into...