★收录【神鬼战士】、【星际效应】、【狮子王】、【黑暗骑士】、【全面启动】之配乐现场演出 气势磅礡的交响乐壮阔演奏,千回百转又扣人心弦的旋律铺陈,打造完美贴合电影每分每秒氛围的衬底音乐,Hans Zimmer生涯替超过100部以上的电影谱写配乐,并且让自己成为了众人难以超越的殿堂级巨擘,更立下许多配乐界的全新...
A woman who was raped by a NetCar driver takes a job with the company to exact her revenge on her attacker after she becomes frustrated with the slow pace of the criminal Justice system.
Gently (MARTIN SHAW) and Bacchus (LEE INGLEBY) return to BBC ONE to start shooting the eighth series of the classic Inspector George Gently, with four new feature-length films for broadcast in 2015.This season PETER FLANNERY writes the first two episodes – with stories that tap into the perio...
A non-stop, race against time action packed thriller that follows an elite SWAT Team as they try to stop a domestic terrorist from killing innocent hostages and destroying the city of Los Angeles. With 24 hours left on the clock, the team must rely on their instincts and unique skill set to s...
Bennie是一家快餐店的老板,因为抢劫珠宝店未遂坐了5年牢。出狱后,养父Mast命不久已的消息对他无异于晴天霹雳,养父的亲生子Koen也在此时出现,Koen是个沉迷女色的疯子却爱上了有自杀倾向的Katia。 因为Katia的出现,Bennie和Keon迫切的需要弄一笔钱为Mast作肝脏移植手术。一场完全失控的银行劫案和一场被设计得赌...