Best friends Derek and Clif set out on a trip of lifetime. Their plan: travel to the ends of the earth, see the world, and live life to the fullest. But the trip soon takes a dark and bloody turn. Just days in, one of the men shows signs of a mysterious affliction which gradually takes over h...
Toni Zweyer过着自己想要的生活。她是卡车司机Andy的贤妻,13岁孩子Lea的慈母,和丈夫共同经营自己家的货运生意。但当得知丈夫Andy死于车祸时,一切都改变了。公司债务日益沉重,她与孩子已别无他路,Toni只能自己握住了18吨卡车的方向盘。她很快意识到,跑国际长途货运对一个新手来说,是多么的残酷艰难。Toni一直...
Andy Warhol的艺术作品以通俗/庸俗见称,可以把罐头汤当作画的主题,把玛莉莲梦露画得色彩斑烂。Warhol监製的着名乐队Velvet Underground所唱的歌曲的主题都围绕着毒品与颓废生活。而由他出品,Paul Morrissey执导的电影,亦是不惶多让,例如描写的是一个牛郎似的颓废男子的生活,好逸恶劳,终日游手好閒,吸毒,在...
Every four years, Canterlot High has The Friendship Games where they must rival with different schools with a series of different sporting events and every year, the cup has gone to Crystal Prep. So Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, and Sunset Shimmer must work together...