This it the true story of an Internet love triangle that takes place entirely online. Lies lead to murder in real life, as a teenage vixen (screen name talhotblond) lures men into her web. Revealing a shocking true crime story that shows the Internets power to unleash our most dangerous fanta...
"ADDICTED TO SEXTING"| a compelling (and sometimes humorous) look at the rise and proliferation of this social phenomenon from several varying perspectives and how the lives of those engaged in it are affected. Throughout the course of the film| we examine nearly every aspect of what has beco...
When a student takes on a theology project, he taps into another side that had been hidden away from him
THE LXD(The Legion of Extraordinary Dancers 非凡舞团)原本是Jon M.Chu导演在YouTube上举行的一场全民级的舞蹈选秀,意在选出最专精和最身怀绝技的舞者,随着参加者的爆炸式增长,LXD已然成为一种文化现象,它也成为了有史以来参与者最多的电..