When Maggie Dolan - Young, who works in a legal aid center in Chicago, hears here father Frank Dolan is in mortal danger, she returns after years to her birthplace, Hidden Lake; he recently retired as sheriff and apparently shot himself deer-hunting, but an autopsy shows he was murdered. Then...
THE LXD(The Legion of Extraordinary Dancers 非凡舞团)原本是Jon M.Chu导演在YouTube上举行的一场全民级的舞蹈选秀,意在选出最专精和最身怀绝技的舞者,随着参加者的爆炸式增长,LXD已然成为一种文化现象,它也成为了有史以来参与者最多的电..
Fishing Naked is a comedy. It is a film about four young adults being bad in the woods. They pull Bigfoot hoaxes| scare tourists| disrespect their elders| hook up and smoke dope. That is until they realize there is an alien creature they have inadvertently put in harms way with all the attent...