威尔逊船长死后留下了一座城堡--黑林城堡。船长的22岁的女儿简.威尔逊前来城堡料理后事,其父的家庭律师罗伯特.杰克逊说船长生前商定愿以10,000英镑出售城堡,然而简.威尔逊对此表示拒绝,不承认委托书。 奇怪的是,来访的客人居然还对附近的一个老酒馆客栈感兴趣。更令人恐惧的是在城堡附近的旷野和沼泽里不断有来...
The Life & Times of Tim is an animated comedy that tells the story of Tim Dildarian, an average cubicle monkey in his mid 20s that works for the generic company "Omnicorp" in New York. Throughout the series, Tim constantly finds himself in increasingly awkward situations in bot...
弗兰克(米兰·佩斯彻尔 Milan Peschel饰)和西蒙(斯黛菲·库恩特 Steffi Kühnert饰)本是一对幸福的夫妇,他们拥有稳定的工作、新买的房子,还有一双儿女。然而一个突如其来的消息不仅让弗兰克震惊,更让整个家庭都瞬间坍塌——弗兰克被诊断出脑部长了一颗不能动手术的肿瘤。即将面对死亡的他,在尽力克服着药物治疗和...
Because I could not stop for Death, he kindly stopped for me; the carriage held but just ourselves and immortality” – Emily Dickinson If Death took a holiday, the guns would go silent in Iraq, the slaughter on our nation’s highways would cease, and the news media would be compelled to cover ...
The eight toon "participants" are parodies of famous cartoon figures Spanky Ham is a downloaded internet cartoon as mentioned in a previous episode (Newgrounds.com). Captain Hero is like Superman (DC Comics). Ling-Ling is like Pikachu from Pokémon (Nintendo Games). Xandir is like L...