故事围绕出身贫寒的牧野杉菜而发生,她被势利的父母强迫就读一所由在政经界最具影响力的四大家族,为培养优秀后代而创立的贵族学校:英德学园(Eitoku Gakuen),四大家族的继承人──道明寺司、花泽类、西门总二郎、美作明号称“F4”(Flower 4、花之四人组),在学校有着各种特权。 但没想到他们嚣张跋扈的行为,在遇...
传说中有一个能决定人生死的代号为“清洗”的连环杀手。埃里克和雪莉在开车回家的路上,为了躲避交通堵塞选择走了一条捷径,却不曾想到,遇上了连环杀手“清洗”。埃里克被生存了下来却杀手控制,而雪莉却惨遭杀害 。一年后,一群高中毕业生外出探险,结果意外来到了“清洗”的巢穴。
U Turn is a Mystery Thriller. A young female reporter is upset about how people break traffic rules, she wants to do a story about it and have it published. In this pursuit she finds herself struck in a police case dealing with series of murders. The film is about how she tries to free herse...
A claustrophobic survival thriller set beneath the Yellow Sea off the coast of North Korea where the pilot of a small submersible craft and a three man Special Ops team on a secret recovery mission become trapped underwater in a fight for survival.