Cuba, the mid-80s, anyone diagnosed with HIV/AIDS is sent to a military-run internment camp. Former boxing champion Horacio Romero is assigned to be a personal warden--companion--to troublemaker patient Daniel. Despite their initial distrust and ignorance, the two form a platonic bond that le...
车祸之后, 卢卡斯在阿姨家发现了通往幽蓝幻境的大门, 神奇的幻境交织着现实与梦境。本片改编自波兰畅销小说,一部超越最狂野梦想的冒险书籍。
Franz Maurer is released after 25 years in prison and finds a completely changed Poland.
影片由四个小故事组成。 因为车祸而行动不便的女孩通过短信与一素未谋面的男孩交往甚密,她将自拍发给男孩,并向男孩索要照片,手机嗡嗡的震动着,男孩发给她的照片上,女孩看到的究竟是什么?男孩生来性格内向懦弱,这成为了同学欺负他的最佳理由。一开始只是玩笑般的打闹,但逐渐的,欺负步步升级。男孩忍无可忍...
This movie was the most illogical and stupid movie EVER made. If the FBI would have been called in once it was officially a kidnapping, the movie would have been over in 20 minutes and all of the people involved would have been in jail. Instead, the people searching for the kidnapped kid, bu...
當雄偉的嘉魯達和駭人聽聞的拉克索德之間的戰爭在整個古代世界爆發出廣泛的吞併時,嘉魯達的最後一批士兵都有勇敢的Himmaphan Warriors加入他們的聯盟。 他們必須共同對抗那些想要征服世界的冷酷生物的野蠻毀滅。