该电影由6个小短片组成,风格撩人到欲罢不能,拍摄手法细腻,细节捕捉到位,所以更能触动人心,堪比微含蓄的软Porn。这些短片可能只是生活中的小插曲,可能是故事的结局,youll never know~~~ (by 小浅@悸花网)
Adam Worth destroys Praxis and travels back in time to the 1890s to save his daughter. Dr. Magnus travels back in time to stop him before he damages the time line and destroys her future with it.资料转自:https://www.zhuijukan.com/meiju/yixingbihusuodisiji/
《24小时:再活一天》(24: Live Another Day)是由Robert Cochran和Joel Surnow联合编剧,强·卡萨、刁毓能、Omar Madha和Milan Cheylov联合执导,基弗·萨瑟兰和伊冯娜·斯特拉霍夫斯基领衔主演的动作惊悚类美国剧。
Janie is an ambitious student who dreams of a better life. Dee is a gorgeous socialite who dreams of a rich husband. Theyre already not the best of friends... or the best of roommates. But when Janie gets the opportunity of a lifetime, Dee becomes the roommate from hell as she desperately tri...
一个在学校里处处受人欺负的男孩Marty,大家总是把作弄和耍弄他当成乐子,可是玩笑越开越大,终于在一次危险的恶作剧中对Marty造成了无法补偿的伤害....,多年之后的同学聚会上,当年的事件参与者们再次聚到了一起,可是,这也将是他们的末日,因为在这个精心挑选的愚人节之夜,他们也将接受一场充满血腥的致 命玩笑...
Ray 'Harley' Davidson is a hustler. With flash clothes and a fast mouth, Harley lives life in the fast lane. With his passion for all things gambling, money runs like water through Harley's hands and as quickly as he makes a killing he takes a beating, normally at the poker table. Nominally a...