Because too much is never enough! The boys of Jackass are at it again with an all-new unrated movie loaded with even more outrageous stunts, stupids, and never-before-seen-pranks and mayhem, including Steve-Os up-close and personal encounter with a snapping turtle, Chris Pontius and his incre...
The Muppets return to prime-time with a contemporary, documentary-style show. For the first time ever, a series will explore the Muppets personal lives and relationships, both at home and at work, as well as romances, breakups, achievements, disappointments, wants and desires.
il doit se choisir un apprenti qui le remplacera. Sélectionné parmi des millions d’enfants, l’heureux élu devra s’appeler Nicolas, être orphelin et avoir le cœur pur. De l’autre côté de la terre, un petit garçon répond parfaitement à ces critères, mais son manque de confiance en lui et son ve...