The Internets Own Boy follows the story of programming prodigy and information activist Aaron Swartz. From Swartzs help in the development of the basic internet protocol RSS to his co-founding of Reddit, his fingerprints are all over the internet. But it was Swartzs groundbreaking work in soc...
Documentary about the entire career of Daft Punk, from their start in early 90s with their first group called Darlin, until their grammy awards in 2014. We learn how the artists have built their music, their image and all aspects of their inspiration. Written by Myzantrope
影片讲述了一位年轻的伊朗女子努力让谋杀自己丈夫的凶手接受审判的故事。 在丈夫被控窃马而遭枪杀后,莎娜姆和十岁的儿子伊萨从此相依为命,在自家农场辛勤劳作讨日子。在她与冷漠的当局对抗及求取赔偿的过程中,亲眼目睹父亲被处死而精神有些错乱的伊萨,将独自面对自己的狂怒与悲伤……
"I Am Evel Knievel" features footage of Evel"s greatest jumps, including the seminal Snake River Canyon and Caesars Palace jumps. The film also showcases Knievel"s rise from a small town rebel in Butte, Montana, to a cultural icon whose rise to super-stardom was built on nerves of steel and ...
The portrait of a young lady from the XIXth century falls in love with an art student and by escaping with him gets a very Cartesian investigator out of his routine.