A comedy about two brothers, uptight Ed and playboy Cooper. Ed has a weekend to save his career, but Cooper has other plans for the weekend; to help his stressed out brother get lucky with the ladies. 一部关于生活状况不佳的Ed 和花花公子Cooper两兄弟的喜剧影片。Ed有一个周末的时间去保住他的饭碗...
奥兹,友好、和平的小猎犬有他的田园生活颠倒马丁斯离开时一个漫长而遥远的旅行。 这里只有一个问题:不允许狗! 无法把他们心爱的奥兹被动应战,他们定居在接下来的最好,一个叫做蓝溪顶级犬spa。 这张照片完美的地方是一个立面由其邪恶的主人捕获狗。 奥兹最终将很快在现实蓝溪,狗的监狱,由狗。 奥兹必须避免危险,找到...
John Day is a bank manager and lives with his wife Maria Day. The couple has recently lost their only daughter. Maria is always depressed and never opens up with anyone. One day when John is away for office work, a courier-boy enters the house and takes Maria as a captive, then a series of m...