Five university friends gather at a house party to ring in the New Year. Unbeknownst to them, an epidemic has erupted outside, causing outbreaks around the world. With nowhere else to turn, they barricade themselves indoors with only their phones, laptops, and other tech devices. They use th...
胖女郎珊因体型肥胖加上动作迟缓, 打工屡次被辞退, 影响她做人消极, 缺乏自信心. 珊认识另一身躯肥胖的麦包, 他的性格却甚为乐观, 时常鼓励珊, 并且因为他积极和乐天的个性, 使珊父去除顽固, 与子女关系改善. 珊与麦在一商场当便衣保安, 追查炸弹勒索事, 先是乌龙百出, 正当面临被辞退时, 二人发现线索, 施展浑身解...
Based on the best selling series "Dear Dumb Diary" by Jim Benton. Follow Jamie Kelly as she navigates Mackeral Middle School with the help of her best friend Isabella, her nemesis Angeline and the boy of her dreams Hudson.
Seventh grade is finally over and Addies life is still less than fabulous. Shes just getting over her break-up with Randy Klein, and on the last day of school, she finds out that Jake Behari wrote that he liked her in her yearbook! Addie finds this out a little too late to ask him about it......