Our World War is a gripping factual drama series offering viewers first-hand experience of the extraordinary bravery of young soldiers fighting 100 years ago. Drawing on real stories of World War One soldiers it uses the visual techniques and imagery familiar from modern warfare – POV helmet ...
CBS电视台常青树NCIS的衍生剧NCIS: Los Angeles无疑是去年最受瞩目的新剧之一。超合拍的搭档组合,美丽的海岸风光,引人入胜的案情和火爆的追凶场景都是吸引观众的法宝。与NCIS不同,LA分部的队伍叫做Office of Special Projects(OSP) 特别行动组,主要负责危及到国家安全的高危险罪犯。队员受过特殊训练,拥有尖端...
In the throes of a zombie apocalypse, a troubled woman from Las Vegas with a dark past finds herself stranded in the desert with a lone and ravenous zombie on her tail.
When a student takes on a theology project, he taps into another side that had been hidden away from him
Features comedian Hasan Minhaj as he shares his thoughts on fertility, fatherhood, and freedom of speech by discussing some of his recent life events.
When Jimmy finds a human kidney in the trunk of his latest boost, he is thrust into a violent underworld of criminals, and a race against the clock to save a little girls life.