Follows a group of girlfriends from Assam and Meghalaya, north-eastern states in India, gathering in the back streets of Delhi to throw a secret wedding party for a soon-to-be bride. Terrorised by their rottweiler of a landlady and with their boyfriends utterly useless as help, the group'...
故事发生在一间名为“古鲁酷”的学院中,每一年,这所以校风严谨校规严厉而著称的学校都为社会输送了为数众多的精英人才,这是校长萨恩卡(阿米特巴·巴强 Amitabh Bachchan 饰)最引以为豪的所在,在他的意识中,正是严格得犹如军规的校规让校园中的年轻人们不至于走上了歧途。 然而,再严厉的校规又怎么能够锁住年轻...
Belgian director/screenwriter Bert Scholiers jumps all over the place in his imaginative feature debut. One moment we are in an Antwerp pub, the next we are walking across an expanse of snow, then in a cosmic black hole or chasing a flying pineapple. This is how best friends Charlie and Hanna...
Eddy、Théo、Walter和Roxane私人本是巴黎上塞纳省地区的警察。因为他们的好友兼上司麦克斯在一起案子中无辜受冤枉崩溃自杀, 彻底的改变了他们的生活。对警局的失望和为了还伙伴一个清白,他们不惜违反法律进行各种活动与调查, 从而走上了灰色执法的道路,游走在法律与正义的边缘。在这一过程中,有偶遇的案件,又...