八岁的墨曼(Mohsen Ramezani)是盲人学校里最用功的孩子,视障也没能妨碍他对美妙的自然万物的独特感受力,他时常虔诚地用双手去找寻心中的真主安拉。然而,命运却喜欢同他开玩笑,母亲离去多年后,父亲(Hossein Mahjoub) 为了再娶,决定甩掉他这个拖油瓶。 父亲先把墨曼从盲人学校接回家,在家乡,墨曼从奶奶(S...
法国家喻户晓同名漫画改编!喜剧专业户让·杜雅赫丹、梅尔维·珀波和凯撒影后西尔薇·泰斯图德三大巨星同台竞技,演绎西部浪漫又刺激的传奇故事.法2TF1收藏版 完整花絮 独家优质中文译制 OST. 剧情 影片讲述牛仔卢克闯荡美国西部偶遇神枪手杰西·詹姆斯、比利小子、灾难简(Calamity Jane)等西部名人,演绎了一段浪漫又刺...
A squad of unsuspecting cops goes through a trapdoor to Hell when they stumble upon a Black Mass in an abandoned building.
10-year-old Vinski feels like an outsider and invisible among his age-mates, and even with his single mother Krista. Vinski meets a mysterious pharmacist who gives him a bottle of magical powder. A powder, that allows you to become invisible for real and walk through walls. It is fantastic t...