猶如同志版《巴別塔》,三個女人在同一個聖誕夜,帶來三個不一樣的角度,然而彼此間又互有關連。清秀貌美的 Francesca 是位的士司機,每天駕著古老的平治為人民服務。只是今晚她要跨境到鹿特丹尋親,原因是她任性的妹妹突然跟 Band 仔男友走了。但在途中,她卻遇上一名車禍受傷的中年女子Gerlinde。這名女子原來亦...
Chronicles the life of a new stepfamily that meets up every weekend. But when the father gets into a relationship with a new partner, the weekends take on a whole different turn.
Comedy set in the social services department of a local authority. Social workers Rose and Al swim against the tide of bureaucracy, deal with the absurdities of life and try to navigate their equally trying professional and personal lives.
《糟心的我 I Feel Bad》由Aseem Batra负责执笔,根据Aseem Batra所著小说改编。剧中讲述Sarayu Blue饰演的Emet看似是个完美母亲﹑老板﹑妻子﹑朋友及女儿,然而她其实不完美,例如她会发丈夫以外的绮梦﹑熊孩子大闹时装不认识﹑拜托员工 帮忙解决问题等……毕竟没可能有人能尽善尽美。 Paul Adelstein饰演女主丈夫,...
今年斩获8项艾美奖的大热美剧《大小谎言》正式续订第二季,妮可·基德曼、瑞希·威瑟斯彭确认回归主演并担任执行制片,David E. Kelley也将继续担任创作人和编剧,同样是7集。谢琳·伍德蕾、劳拉·邓恩、佐伊·克拉韦茨、亚当·斯科特等主演也有望回归,让-马克·瓦雷不再担任导演,奥斯卡得主安德里亚·阿诺德(《美国甜心》...