Two people who once had a passionate affair meet again fifteen years later. Ray is confronted with his past when Una arrives unannounced at his office, and they are forced to revisit their relationship. Ray has made a new life for himself. Una is looking for answers. What follows in this emot...
从第四季开始,西班牙ANTENA 3电视台推出了寄宿学校疑云-秘密档案特别节目。在每一集中都会出现一个剧中人物,他/她通过一位女警官的询问,描述自己记忆中的一段往事。共十余集,每一集大概15分钟左右,诸位看官可将其视为正剧以外的开胃小菜。另注:在秘密档案中自白的人物并不一定会在大结局中幸存。