Greed Island——一个价值80亿戒尼的猎人专属游戏,由念能力者制作,真正目的不明。 本游戏只有念能力者能玩,制作者把念灌入一百片的软件中,游戏一开始念也跟着发动,将玩家们拉入游戏中,只要玩家到游戏里,即使把主机插头拔掉,游戏依然会进行,玩家死了游戏就会停止,只要找到储存点就可以回来 。 某位玩家以姓名...
一架隶属于美国的运输机坠落到东京湾,恐怖的经历就此展开.. 数日后,接连发生的机械人被袭击案件导致数名驾驶员的死亡,刑事久住武史和助手泰真一郎开始调查此案。在调查过程中,心不在焉的一郎认识了岬冴子,对她产生了爱慕。袭击事件仍旧继续发生着,不仅是机械人,连普通人也有数人死于非命,而且在东京湾内,...
《辛普森一家》(The Simpsons)是美国福克斯广播公司的一部动画情景喜剧,由马特·格勒宁创作。该剧通过展现霍默、玛琦、巴特、莉萨和玛吉一家五口的生活,讽刺性地勾勒出了居住在美国心脏地带人们的生活方式。空间设定于虚构小镇春田镇的《辛普森一家》,从许多角度对美国的文化与社会、人的条件和电视本身进行了幽...
火爆全球的《银河护卫队》热潮第二弹,漫威不久前在纽约漫展上发布“银护”动画版的首张海报和首支测试片段,正式宣布动画版计划。“火箭”和“星爵”均在视频中亮相。 漫威电视部总监 Jeph Loeb 在纽约漫展上宣布了动画版的消息,并播映了这段一分多钟的测试画面。视频中,“火箭”浣熊手持重型机枪武器,开火射落一架无人...
A PLASTIC OCEAN begins when journalist Craig Leeson, searching for the elusive blue whale, discovers plastic waste in what should be pristine ocean. In this adventure documentary, Craig teams up with free diver Tanya Streeter and an international team of scientists and researchers, and they t...
The larger-than-life story of Kim Dotcom, the "most wanted man online", is extraordinary enough, but the battle between Dotcom and the US Government and entertainment industry, being fought in New Zealand, is one that goes to the heart of ownership, privacy and piracy in the digital age. Thre...
97% owned present serious research and verifiable evidence on our economic and financial system. This is the first documentary to tackle this issue from a UK-perspective and explains the inner workings of Central Banks and the Money creation process. When money drives almost all activity on t...
继昨日金球奖梅姨炮轰特朗普后,圣丹斯电影节又宣布把一部讲述特朗普的纪录片《特朗普:如何成为美国最招黑的政治家》(Trumped: Inside The Greatest Political Upset of All Time,暂译)加入电影节展映片单。该片全程跟踪拍摄特朗普竞选过程,讲述了这位商业大亨如何成为美国“最招人讨厌的总统”。电影将于1月27日在...
An Honest Liar tells the incredible story of the world-famous magician, escape artist, and world-renowned enemy of deception, James ‘The Amazing’ Randi. The film brings to life Randi’s intricate investigations that publicly exposed psychics, faith healers, and con-artists with quasi-religious...
纪录片《into the mind(心界)》,2013年加拿大极限运动纪录片,获得了iF3(国际自由滑雪电影节)的年度电影和最佳剪辑奖。导演是EricCrosland和DaveMossop,该片被称为近十年来最好看的极限运动电影。