Mia (Rebecca Chen) , an ex-prostitute, is trapped in a loveless marriage with Quan (Sunny Pang), the butcher who runs a roast meat shop.Quan’s inferior complex due to his impotency has led to frustrations and outbursts, and Mia is the one who bears the brunt of Quan’s physical abuse. When Mia...
三十岁的希瑙对人生没有大的追求,整日浏览色情网站,晚上与朋友喝酒胡混,闲赋在家靠领取救济金生活,并且不会处理与女人的关系,他的女友奥菲对他真心实意而他却心不在焉。恰逢圣诞节母亲回外婆家时,她的朋友劳拉(维多利亚?阿夫里尔 Victoria Abril 饰)来家里做客并住下了,俩人遂发生了关系,事后劳拉毫不在乎...
A mad scientist grandfather invents a genetic transformation machine and his 4 year old grandson accidentally turns his body into that of a 30 year old man. Baby Bobby escapes and runs around town as his siblings try to catch him before their parents get back from vacation AND before the bad ...
Valerie, a beautiful young girl, watches over her cousins place while he is away for six months. Not one to take advantage of her new "digs", she spends her first night there reading, playing records and. calling her girlfriend Sophie over for some hot lesbian sex! Later that night, members ...