A car, following the Tour de France. Children screaming in front of the puppet show. Women, often prostitutes, trying to scream as they are being strangled. Then he will meet Claire, the virgin who will give herself to him, and perhaps deliver him from his malediction. Written by Gregoire Du...
After the mysterious disappearance of their mother, estranged brothers reunite and discover an unknown supernatural force.
As a mother and daughter struggle to cope with the terrors of the post-revolution, war torn Tehran of the 80s, a mysterious evil begins to haunt their home.80年代两伊战争期间,一对母女在革命后饱受战火摧残的德黑兰艰难求生。不知何时起,一个未知的邪恶力量似乎入侵了她们的家庭。
Abby and Rebecca Powell havent seen each other since a traumatic event in their youth ripped them apart. Reunited for the first time in over a decade, the sisters take a trip to spread their mothers ashes at a secluded lake. As the sisters reconnect and try to heal old wounds, something waits...
心理学家凯尔文(Donatas Banionis 饰)在飞往索拉瑞斯星之前来到儿时的父母家与当年的索拉瑞斯飞行员亨利·伯顿(Vladislav Dvorzhetsky 饰)见面。伯顿警告凯尔文索拉瑞斯星上会有不可思议的奇事发生,但后者并不以为意。凯尔文离开前,当着父亲(尼古莱·格陵柯 饰)的面焚毁了...自己的个人物品。凯尔文到达索拉瑞...
苏珊娜(克里斯汀·斯科特·托马斯 饰)是个拥有优渥生活的中年妇女,她的丈夫是小有名气的牙医,并且正在慢慢涉足政治仕途,她有一双乖巧儿女,她自己也在努力重返事业——成为理疗师。这样的生活似乎可以永久持续下去,但一切随着伊万(塞吉·洛佩兹 饰)的到来土崩瓦解。伊万是个随处打工的西班牙建筑工人,帮苏珊娜家...