How easy is it for desperate youngsters to become dangerous gangsters in a decaying society washed all over by the blood of war? Fairly easy indeed. Rane shows incidents, probably somewhat facts, that took place in Serbia of the war era. Things similar to what you see on this film could happ...
匈牙利电影制片厂出品的《绿宝石护身符》,由上译译制。 影片根据菲利普·悉尼爵士生前日记中关于匈牙利人民抗击土耳其侵略军的记述改编的。事件和人物大多是真实的。影片生动地再现了匈牙利历史上著名的埃格尔要塞争夺战。 一五三○年,土耳其奥斯曼帝国侵占匈牙利大部份国土,土耳其人独眼龙尤穆加克是个凶狠的家伙...
故事梗概: 刚从学校毕业的瓦尔娃拉决定到西伯利亚的乡村当教师,她的决定得到了未婚夫的赞同。但由于未婚夫马尔蒂诺夫参加革命被关进监狱,瓦尔娃拉只得一人孤身前往。在那个偏远的小山村,人们对孩子的教育并不重视,对瓦尔娃拉也非常排斥。 一晃三年过去了,经过瓦尔娃拉的努力孩子们终于走进了学校,家长们也...
This documentary uses never-before-seen footage and rediscovered interviews in a search for the truth behind the mysterious 1992 death of black transgender activist and Stonewall veteran Marsha P.