An adventure of the soul. JOSEPH is a young, painfully shy writer in the waterlands of South Carolina. After robbing a rural juke joint with two lower-class buddies and joy-riding up the coast to Myrtle Beach, his journey becomes a quest for strength and courage.
宠坏的处于青春期的惠特尼被选举为她们班的班长,这是一所富人学校---宾福特中学,位于费城。惠特尼有自己最要好的朋友,同时也是副班长的琳赛的支持。她承诺会为全班同学举办一场超棒的正式舞会,甚至包括获得奖学金的同学们。 惠特尼在和她的朋友们一起挑选正式的礼...
To accompany the drama, historians Lucy Worsley and Helen Castor draw back the curtain on the seductive world of the real King Louis XIV to reveal how he became the longest serving absolute monarch in European history. As they discover in this special one-hour film, it was a feat all the more...
The story begins when a family man| Mickey Ryan| falls from grace through no fault of his own due to a series of downward spiraling events beyond his control. With his life turned upside down| Mickey tries valiantly to resolve his issues but hooks up with the wrong people who blind him with a...
云(Rattanabalang Toesawad 饰)是个冷酷无情的杀手,除了妈妈与唯一的弟弟雾以杀人为目标过日子的他,从没奢望过任何感情,也从来没爱过谁。他的暗杀目标石(Chaiwat Thongsang 饰)是一个富有又英俊的警察,生活舒适还有个美丽的女朋友,看似美满的生活仍让他觉得生命中好像缺了一样很重要的东西。本来该杀了石的云,...