A sudden and mysterious inheritance brings Danny and his friends to Hobb Springs, a forgotten resort deep in the West Virginia hills. Hobb Springs is being looked after under the watchful care of Jackson and Sally, a socially and awkward couple who introduce Danny to the long lost family hes ...
The world watches in awe as the Roebling Clipper is launched into space. Using state-of-the-art scalar engines to fly around the Moon and back in just hours, the maiden voyage of the first-ever trans-lunar passenger ship is about to make round the Moon and back in just hours, the maiden voyag...
12%是我们爱的人会爱我们的概率。~~改编自小说《12%》到后日12% is the probability that the person we love will love us.
云(Rattanabalang Toesawad 饰)是个冷酷无情的杀手,除了妈妈与唯一的弟弟雾以杀人为目标过日子的他,从没奢望过任何感情,也从来没爱过谁。他的暗杀目标石(Chaiwat Thongsang 饰)是一个富有又英俊的警察,生活舒适还有个美丽的女朋友,看似美满的生活仍让他觉得生命中好像缺了一样很重要的东西。本来该杀了石的云,...
生日当天,23岁青年尼克·迪桑托(卢克·克莱恩坦克 Luke Kleintank 饰)来到精神病院看望母亲。他似乎拥有握住对方的手就能知晓别人人生的能力,因此尼克渴望弄清关于父亲的秘密,但他却失望而归。在此之后,他和数名好友来到酒吧,并在此结识了美丽女孩伊芙(艾丽克丝·麦克肯纳 Alex McKenna 饰)。当晚,精神病院大...