继澳大利亚大型教会新颂教会与相对论传媒(Relativity Studios)合作开展项目新闻传出后,其第一部电影“新颂乐队 - 让希望崛起”(Hillsong: Let Hope Rise)将于5月首映。在相对论传媒负责监制该片的马特·阿尔瓦雷斯(Matt Alvarez)周三表示,整个工 作室因为这部备受期待的电影“非常激动”,“新颂乐队 - 让希望崛起...
A woman who had a tragic past of being raped by a man and since then has never felt secure enough to pursue a relationship. She gets lost in the forest where she encounters a strange naked female monster with a tiger tattoo, who transformed her into a sexy tiger beast.
"Black Beauty," a film centering on a 15 year-old girl who volunteers at a city pound, and convinces her Grandfather in the country to adopt a horse that was rescued from an abusive owner. They spend the summer rehabilitating "Black Beauty."
一个在酒吧上班的妙龄女子por,某天晚上,遭遇仇家追打跌进了河里,醒来惊觉自己躺在医院中,并得知已怀有身孕的讯息,自此之后,婴孩的啜泣声、充满怨气的女子、诡异怪邪的画面,便不断地在她似梦似真的生活中出现,恐惧与害怕的情绪让她几近崩溃…… 当她义无反顾决定面对整个事件的真相,顺着女鬼的指引,一步步 试...
供职于国家电影资料馆的影片管理员大卫·威廉(鲁珀特·伊文斯 Rupert Evans 饰),在五年前和美丽的妻子爱丽丝(汉娜·霍克斯特拉 Hannah Hoekstra 饰)搬入一幢拥有上百年历史的老房子。此后的生活平淡如水,夫妻二人共同孕育出可爱的儿子比利(Calum Heath 饰)。某天,大卫为一部警方影片做记录时,意外发现自家的...
Robin Hood Ghosts of Sherwood (2012)whether youre rich or poor, youre not leaving the forest.Robin Hood and hisMerry Men were concerned with only one thing: taking money from the rich andgive it to the poor. That was until they died. Now they just want to killeverything in sight. Attached to ...