韩力(阿提查·春那侬 Atichart Chumnanont 饰)的弟弟因为被富家女珊萨妮(Rilanee Sripen 饰)无情玩弄后又遭抛弃,绝望之中选择了自尽。得知事件真相的韩力悲愤交加,发誓一定要找到珊萨妮为弟弟报仇。索拉雅(泰莎昂·派索克乔纶 Taksaorn Paksukcharern 饰)是珊萨妮的堂妹,出身贫穷的她在堂姐的资助下才得以上...
The killer, the gay ‘Flying knife’ and the ‘Wild dog’ are assigned by their respective organizations. In the meantime, the two of them met by chance and found out that they were supposed to meet each other. Both are falling in love hiding the truth that they are killers, however ‘Wild dog’ ha...
A group of international students explores a basement that has been abandoned for years. But what starts off as an exploratory séance ends in bloody mayhem when a malicious entity is summoned.
一直以来,柴原润(中村优一 饰)都是学校游泳队的种子选手,没想到在一次十分重要的比赛中,他竟然落败给了和自己势力悬殊巨大的村井直树(高桥优太 饰)。润的父亲保(渡边一计 饰)是游泳队的教练,他劝说自己的儿子放弃游泳,努力学习功课。就在润的内心产生动摇之时,直树竟然找到了润,希望润能够当自己的指导...