Pleng(Ice饰)是个英语老师,刚遇上个麻烦事,一个外国学生要抛弃男朋友Jim(Sunny饰)跑到美国去,Jim不懂英文,这女学生就用英文录了一段分手宣言,放到U盘里让Pleng翻译给Jim听。 Jim听完非常生气,认为就是因为Pleng教她女朋友英语才导致自己被抛弃。可是不久之后Jim决定要和Pleng学英语,去美国挽回女友。Plen...
高三3班的秘密 ,看似讲述师生禁忌之恋,其实是一对勇敢男女相爱的故事,并愿意牺牲某些东西. #TorThanapob# 表示Tee这个角色内心很复杂,要琢磨透是很困难的,是又一个富有挑战性的角色.Rodmay称赞Tor演技自然, 又是也不按常理出牌.Orn老师的角色对爱情怀有纯洁之心,并很执着
Tanner一家是一户普通的美国家庭。一天,一个不速之客“降临”在他们面前。他身材矮小,他全身被毛,他态度傲慢,他是一个来自Melmac星球的外星人。Tanner一家不知所措,给他起了个“外号”:ALF(allien life form)。Tanner一家宁静的生活被这个新成员所打破,一起上演了一幕幕诙谐而温馨的故事……
Spanish television drama thriller focusing on the students of a fictional boarding school in a forest, where teenagers are sent by their parents to study. The boarding school is situated in a forest far from the city, on the outskirts on which macabre events occur. The series debut on 24 May ...
In the near future, Norway is occupied by Russia on behalf of the European Union, due to the fact that the newly elected environmental friendly Norwegian government has stopped the all important oil- and gas-production in the North Sea.
Miss Happy stars Pancake Khemanit as a happy-go-lucky woman named Happy, who often annoys her best friend Golfie (Ben Chalatit). Unfortunately, Happy is diagnosed with having an irregular heartbeat that will likely cause her death within a month. In an effort to survive, Happy looks up infor...