前美国海军特种部队米高亚当斯, 在一次拯救行动中在北韩被俘掳, 三年后获释回国, 满以为可重过正常生活, 可惜好景不常, 妻子竟被人在脑里植入微型炸弹, 藉此威胁他去行刺一个美国参议员, 否则炸弹就会自动引爆! 这时, 他只剩下不够12小时....
Kou is searching for his older brother Takumi, who left home and has gone missing in the city. Worried that hes in trouble, Kou decides not to go home until hes found him, only to find him all too easily. Takumi, it turns out, has become head of the Mikuni Detective Agency, and has no intenti...