Bex and Dawn are trapped. They dream of taking control of their lives and owning their own upmarket cafe, but no one will give people them the opportunity.
The death of his safe cracking grandfather has landed Johnny as the only one left alive who can open a safe for a degenerate crew of violent gangsters,but he"s just a junkie with little more on his mind than getting that next fix.
1965年,印尼政府被军政府推翻,那些反对军事独裁的人都被认定为“共产党人”,并遭遇了血腥屠杀,一年之内,就有超过100万“共产党人”丧命,其中就包括农民还有一些当地的华人。本片的主角Anwar Congo和他的朋友们就参与了当年的屠杀活动,他如今是印尼最大的准军事组织Pemuda Pancasila的元...
Two women start living with a man who lives alone.The women introduce themselves as sisters looking for their long lost father and they start to seduce the man. Actually, these women are a serial killing duo who only target men who live alone. In the end, the man loses his life. While they ar...